Hi Reader Can you please imagine it’s last Sunday - yes, the one where my “Weekly Backyard Gossip” went AWOL because, well, I was knee-deep in boxes, frantically packing for our big Canadian adventure 🇨🇦 So here I am, two days, coffee in hand, ready to make amends and share a little confession. 😊 Have you ever found yourself justifying something… to yourself, or maybe even to others, when it really isn’t necessary? For me, it struck me during a small commitment I made to go for a daily walk. Nothing intense, just ten conscious minutes outside (I've been doing this for the past 1636 days by the way). But when I ran into my neighbor on one of my short walks, I found myself almost apologizing for it, ready to concoct a reason for forgetting my gate card or something absurd! Why? I wasn’t walking for my neighbor’s approval, after all! Why do we do this, though? There’s something in us that craves acceptance, maybe even reassurance that our choices are “good enough”. It’s almost like we’re seeking a nod of approval—even for the small stuff, like a 10-minute walk. We feel compelled to justify ourselves, as if our choices aren’t valid until someone else confirms them. But here’s the catch: the only validation we really need is our own. Once I realized it, I started keeping an eye on how often I felt this urge to justify. Fast forward to my weekly jog last Sunday. As usual, our backyard terrain is hilly, and let’s be real—I’m not a fan of those uphill stretches. So I made a genius plan with my husband: I’d run downhill, and he’d swing by to collect me in the car. When my neighbor asked about my run, I decided to be honest. Turns out, she thought it was a clever plan! Too bad I’m moving to Canada, or we could start a local uphill carpool! 🤣 So, tell me, when do you catch yourself making excuses? Why not give yourself a break and enjoy your choices, excuses-free? With love from the soon-to-be Canadian backyard 🇨🇦 🐻 Peggy |
I inspire and guide women business owners, to go from overwhelm to empowered success! Are you a woman entrepreneur ready to break free from the shackles of overwhelm and shatter the glass ceiling to reach your next income level? ? Then subscribe to my newsletter and be ready to transform overwhelm into empowered, abundant living!
View in browser Hi Reader While I'm typing this, I'm drawn to look outside and see that the snow outside is slowly melting. We had some serious snowfall past Monday and Tuesday. So much so that even the university was closed for two days, and it turned out to be too dangerous to get there (the University is situated on a hill, and the road towards it tends to get icy). I loved it—not that the University was closed; we still had online classes—but the snowfall made everything turn white. One...
Are you coming to the first Book Club Chat of 2025 Reader? We’ll be diving into The Gap and The Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy. This book is all about shifting your mindset to focus on how far you’ve come rather than how far you have to go. I just loved it and am looking forward to hearing your insights! 📅 Date: Wednesday, January 29th 🕘 Time: 9 AM PST | 12 PM EST 📍 Location: Zoom - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84767505826?pwd=UHdHUEZrSWJRemVsVElCR1FaZVRqQT09 Can't make it for this...
View in browser Hi Reader I hope you had a fabulous start to 2025! I surely did, but I'm already failing in one New Year's resolution, and that is getting back into the flow of keeping in touch with you via the Backyard Gossip 🫣 In my defence, I'm still finding my way into this new chapter of my life: MBA studies at Vancouver Island University, Canada, 1:1 coaching, Visionary Women, discovering the Island and building connections! My dear friend and networking expert, J.Kelly would be proud...