Disconnect to Reconnect 🌍📵

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Hi Reader

I’m back home in South Africa after an incredible holiday in Madagascar, where nature is stunningly untouched, and life seems to have a whole different rhythm. It’s a place where hunter-gatherer communities still thrive, and just 200 meters from our lodge, a fishing village lives completely offline. The kids there played soccer at low tide, learned to paddle traditional canoes, and even spent time just… being bored. And honestly? I couldn’t help but wonder who might be happier—those of us glued to our screens or the kids laughing together without a single device in sight.

You might have seen this too (or maybe you even recognize yourself): travelers waiting in airport lines, heads down on their phones, scrolling through games and messages. Even at the lodge, where WiFi was only available in the restaurant, there was no shortage of people who traded conversation at meals for connection on their screens. And yes, I caught myself doing it too! We started lingering in the lounge before mealtimes, making sure to stay fully present in those peaceful moments.

The irony, right? In the middle of this beautiful, unplugged paradise, I saw just how easy it is to lose touch with the here and now when we’re constantly online. It’s something I’m taking with me as we pack up for our big move to Canada—just 6 days to go!

So, if this message resonates with you, maybe we can try a little challenge together: let’s give ourselves moments away from the screens, reconnect with the world right in front of us, and bring a bit of intentionality into our daily routines. And speaking of routines, I’m not entirely sure when the next newsletter will arrive from me—I’ll be deep in moving boxes—but you can bet I’ll keep in touch as soon as possible.

Here’s to being present, wherever we are.

With love from South Africa (and soon, Canada!)


Master the Art of Vision, Planning and Daily Wins!

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