It's only 500 pages... πŸ“–

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Hi Reader

First of all, I would like to thank you for being here! Yesterday I crossed the mark of 1001 subscribers to the Backyard Gossip, it might not sound like a lot but for me, it's a big (s)milestone 😊! A 1001 people, just like you welcome my weekly newsletter into their mailbox, and you, Reader are one of them. So a BIG THANK YOU πŸ™πŸΌ

My list grew very slowly and often I questioned myself if it was really worthwhile to put in the effort week after week πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ But by keeping my focus on my vision, creating a step-by-step plan, and celebrating my small wins I managed to hit that next level!

The problem is, that in the beginning, 1000 subscribers looked so daunting. Especially when the first 10 are family and friends just supporting - thank you for being here, I do appreciate you 😊

But, when you break it up into small steps and work out a plan, it is doable and it doesn't feel so overwhelming anymore.

The same happened to a good friend - and coaching client - of mine. For a long time, she had been dreaming of becoming a yoga instructor. She had to close some chapters of her life first but she is now ready to go for it πŸ’ͺ🏼

She enrolled in Yoga training in Sri Lanka and is getting ready to finally pursue her dreams and let her vision become a reality!

However, soon the first obstacle came on her path... this was in the form of a 500-page manual πŸ“š She showed it to me, it's a big book! I felt overwhelmed just looking at it πŸ˜…

We took a deep breath and worked out a plan together to see how she could break it down:

  • Her deadline to get through the material is May 2025 - that gives her a good 7 months
  • A slow reader takes about 5.6 hours to go through 100 pages.
  • 500 pages would take her 28 hours, let's round it off to 30 hours.
  • She was ready to commit to reading four days a week, which, taking the seven months into account, would give her 112 days.
  • That means that she would just need to allocate 16 min of her time, four days a week to study!

16 min of her time seemed so much more doable than looking at the 500 pages! She couldn't wait to get started 😊 and I'm sure she already reached her first (s)milestone πŸ’ͺ🏼

It's so easy to get overwhelmed when looking at what needs to get done but by breaking it up into small - easy to manage - steps, everything becomes so much easier.

Sending you love and inspiration from South Africa (for now 😊)


P.S. Did you know that I offer a Deep-Dive Roadmap Coaching session where we look at your project and break it down into manageable steps with deadlines? Just hit reply to find out more πŸ’Œ

Master the Art of Vision, Planning and Daily Wins!

I inspire and guide women business owners, to go from overwhelm to empowered success! Are you a woman entrepreneur ready to break free from the shackles of overwhelm and shatter the glass ceiling to reach your next income level? ? Then subscribe to my newsletter and be ready to transform overwhelm into empowered, abundant living!

Read more from Master the Art of Vision, Planning and Daily Wins!

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