Big Joy in Small Moments: My Family Affair in Belgium 👩🏼‍🎨

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Hi Reader

I hope this message finds you well on this lovely Monday. I just returned from a wonderful trip to Belgium, and I wanted to share a story with you...

The highlight of my trip? Rolling my 79-year-old mom through Ikea! Yes, you read that right 😏

You see, my mom had broken her foot just days before we arrived, so she was in a wheelchair. And because our visit was a surprise to celebrate her birthday, she had no idea I’d be there. So, we rolled her around IKEA to pick out a brand-new sofa for her birthday! 🎉🛋️

Imagine her shock when she arrived at my brother’s home, expecting a quiet birthday dinner with him and his wife, only to find my husband and me sitting at the table. The look on her face was priceless! I guess that's what surprises are for 😀

But the surprises didn’t end there. We also had another gift in store for her: a plan to paint her apartment. It turned into a full-blown family affair with three generations working together. Now, let me tell you—my mom’s place isn’t exactly spacious, so it felt more like we were tripping over each other than getting any work done 😂 But the laughter and memories we created were what truly mattered. And we made it happen!

This trip reminded me of something important: It’s not always the grand gestures or exotic vacations that bring the most joy. Sometimes, it’s the simple, unexpected moments—like a surprise visit, a new sofa, or a family coming together to paint an apartment—that fill our hearts 💕

In my coaching, I often talk about finding fulfillment in the small steps, the everyday wins, and the connections we nurture along the way. This trip was a perfect example of that. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that we need something big to make us happy, but the truth is, happiness often finds us in the little things—like the smell of fresh paint, the laughter of loved ones, or the sight of a new sofa in a cozy apartment.

So, what small joys have you experienced lately? Where have you found fulfillment in the simple things?

I hope you have a great week ahead, my batteries are recharged so I'm ready to make it happen 💪🏼


P.S. Get ready for the upcoming Say YES to Success Challenge! It’s about embracing those small moments that lead to larger transformations in our lives. Together, let’s roll into a future filled with possibilities!

Master the Art of Vision, Planning and Daily Wins!

I inspire and guide women business owners, to go from overwhelm to empowered success! Are you a woman entrepreneur ready to break free from the shackles of overwhelm and shatter the glass ceiling to reach your next income level? ? Then subscribe to my newsletter and be ready to transform overwhelm into empowered, abundant living!

Read more from Master the Art of Vision, Planning and Daily Wins!

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