Just STOP throwing away all your hard work 🛑 🙄

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I have something to confess Reader. In the past, I might have created something (or a couple of things 😬) to throw away then all the hard work I had put into it. Because I didn't get the results I had envisioned 🫣

And I know I'm not alone!

Running a business can be an exhilarating journey, filled with the excitement of launching new products or services. However, we often find ourselves disappointed when our efforts don’t get the results we had in mind. It’s tempting to throw everything out and start over, but I’ve learned that this is not the best approach!

You can thank me later for making the mistakes so you don't have to 😆

In my latest blog post, “Stop Throwing Away Your Hard Work, Recalibrate instead!” I share a personal story that mirrors our entrepreneurial struggles. Earlier this year, I committed to a weekly jog/walk routine. Despite some setbacks, I learned to reflect and adjust rather than give up. If I only would have used this strategy earlier in my business as well 🙄

I'm however a quick learner! When I created an in-person group coaching program that I was passionate about, I launched it twice with zero enrollments. Instead of giving up, I reflected and fine-tuned my approach. I changed the title, reviewed my copy, and revamped the promotion strategy. Now, I'm thrilled to say that I'm running this program in person with 10 powerful women!

Women entrepreneurs often fall into the trap of self-sabotage due to perfectionism, fear of judgment, imposter syndrome, and lack of support. Recognizing these tendencies is the first step towards overcoming them.

By reflecting on our experiences, fine-tuning our approaches, and giving ourselves permission to fail and try again, we can build resilience and achieve greater success.

Want to dive deeper into this topic? Check out my latest blog post here.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead Reader!


P.S. Would love to hear your stories about putting in the hard work and throwing it all out to start again! Hit reply and tell me all about it!

Master the Art of Vision, Planning and Daily Wins!

I inspire and guide women business owners, to go from overwhelm to empowered success! Are you a woman entrepreneur ready to break free from the shackles of overwhelm and shatter the glass ceiling to reach your next income level? ? Then subscribe to my newsletter and be ready to transform overwhelm into empowered, abundant living!

Read more from Master the Art of Vision, Planning and Daily Wins!

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View in browser You’ve officially received a “Say YES to Success” challenge email 🎉. Not interested in following along? No worries! Simply click 👉🏼 NO SYS to skip these emails, and you’ll go back to receiving my regular weekly e-mails. Hi Reader If you haven’t heard it yet, I’m hosting a LIVE training week starting on September 9th, Say YES to Success🚀 During this training, I’ll be your guide you how to step away from overwhelm and (re)discover the path to SUCCESS! Today, I wanted to ask you...