Hi Reader While I'm typing this, I'm drawn to look outside and see that the snow outside is slowly melting. We had some serious snowfall past Monday and Tuesday. So much so that even the university was closed for two days, and it turned out to be too dangerous to get there (the University is situated on a hill, and the road towards it tends to get icy). I loved it—not that the University was closed; we still had online classes—but the snowfall made everything turn white. One of my neighbours said, "It's a marshmallow world we live in when the snow covers the ground." I didn't realize how much I've missed this in the past few years (if you are following me, I just moved to Canada 🇨🇦) and how soul-nourishing it is. Everything seems so quiet as if they turned down the volume, and it's also so much brighter. But not everyone shared my love for Winter Wonderland 🤷🏼♀️. Probably because after they shovelled their driveway, it was completely covered again 😆 Or maybe they had no other option than to drive in the snow to get to work, and the roads were really slippery. I can tell you that everyone at the Alpine Resort Mt. Washington were very happy with the snowfall (yes, we went skiing as well), and the snow removal companies are probably sending out their invoices as we speak 😏 It just shows that it all depends on your perspective. What suits you might not suit someone else, but a change of perspective might make you appreciate their point of view a bit more. So, my question to you is: Is there something that, by shifting your perspective slightly, you can see from a different angle and maybe even appreciate? I would love to hear from you about what that might be! Just hit reply, and you'll create a direct link to me. Sending you love from Canada 🇨🇦 Peggy P.S. When you struggle to change your perspective on your business or your planning, I've got two 1:1 Forward Focus coaching spots opening up in March. Book your discovery call today to find out how I could be your guide on your journey! |
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View in browser Imagine this Reader: You wake up, check your Stripe, PayPal, or whatever digital money wizardry you use, and BOOM—your best month EVER. 🎉 Like, the kind of month where you go from “Am I even doing this right?” to “Holy crap, I might actually be a genius.” Well, that’s exactly what happened to one of the incredible women inside Visionary Women. She just hit her highest-earning month since she started her business. And no, she didn’t stumble into a pot of gold or win the...
View in browser Hey Reader, I have something truly special for you today—a no-brainer offer to join Visionary Women at 50% off! Now, you might be wondering, “Why on earth would she do that?” Let me tell you—this isn’t just a discount. It’s a strategic move (yeah, my Strategic Management classes at the MBA program might even benefit you 😅), and since you’re here, I want to let you in on the thinking behind it. The Know-Like-Trust-Buy Cycle (and Why You’re Already Ahead) Any good marketer will...
View in browser Hi Reader Today, I want to take a moment to celebrate you - your strength, resilience, and vision. As women, we carry dreams, ambitions, and a fire within us that pushes boundaries and breaks barriers. Today, I want to invite women with an entrepreneurial spirit to step into something truly transformational. Join Visionary Women! Whether you're at the beginning of your business journey or standing at a crossroads, wondering how to take your business to the next level—this is...